Using Delimiters in Your AI Prompts: Sample Lesson from Foundations of Generative AI for B2B Marketing Course

This video is a lesson preview to give you a taste of what kind of content is in store for you if you sign up for the “Foundations of Generative AI for B2B Marketing” course!

Please keep in mind: While this lesson was chosen because it is able to stand alone, the content of this video follows earlier course instruction that this is building upon. If you don’t understand some of what Nicole is talking about that’s because it’s referencing something course participants will already have learned about at this point in the course.

This lesson appears in “Chapter 6: Prompting Your AI – You’re the one in control!”

About This Lesson

In this lesson, we explore the use of delimiters in AI prompts to maintain clarity and organization when providing complex instructions. You will learn how to effectively separate different elements of a prompt, such as persona descriptions and voice styles, using special characters, and how to label and reference these sections within your instructions. We will also walk through a practical example of a prompt for copy editing to illustrate the application of delimiters.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the purpose and function of delimiters in AI prompts.
  • Learn how to choose appropriate special characters for delimiters to ensure clarity in prompts.
  • Recognize the importance of separating different elements of a prompt using delimiters.
  • Discover how to label and reference delimited sections within AI instructions.
  • Explore the application of delimiters through a practical example of a prompt for copy editing.
  • Gain insights into saving and reusing prompt templates for efficiency.